It’s the Last blog of the year already! I genuinely don’t know where 2023 disappeared to but, personally speaking, I’m not too sorry to see the back of it. How about you?
During 2023, FINDING THE WILL has visited 13 schools, unlucky for some, but not for us! Of those, 7 were repeat visits and 6 were new schools to us this year. Following on from the Pandemic, then lurching headlong into the cost of living crisis, like all schools, we too are feeling the effect of budgetary constraints. We are also aware that, post-pandemic, our work is increasingly important. Encouraging children to find a voice, and then have the confidence to use it, is even more vital in a world where so many voices are lost amidst the clatter of poverty, abuse, self-importance and general hubbub.
Quick Look Back
Regular readers will be aware of the lovely schools we’ve visited this year, so rather than bang on about all of them again, I’m going to share with you a few images of some good times we’ve had during this last year.
Looking Ahead
In early January we will be making a welcome return to Great Leighs Primary School in Essex. Nick and Ffion will be leading a TEMPEST Project Week with the whole of KS2. Meanwhile I am heading to a new school – Langtons Junior Academy in Hornchurch – to weave some FINDING THE WILL MACBETH magic with Years 5 & 6. Return visits are also booked to schools in Chelmsford, Wokingham, Peterborough and Grantham for later in the Spring and Summer Terms.
Summer Performances
Finally, news of performances of NAMING THE VIEW in Cornwall in June 2024. Richard and I are delighted to have the opportunity to perform this moving, humorous and important piece of theatre again next summer. Penlee Park Open Air Theatre and Falmouth Poly will be hosting us and we can’t wait!
To all of you loyal readers, supporters, friends, colleagues and audiences, we wish you a very Merry Christmas! Until next year……..