Well when we say ‘Macky’s back in town’, what we actually mean is ‘Macbeth’ was back at St Bartholomew’s Academy, Coventry last month. We truly missed coming to this lovely, warm and friendly school in February, 2019, so it was a double delight to be invited back again this February. 145 actors aged 7-11 years old took to the stage on Friday and gave two terrific performances. ‘Mack the Knife’ never sounded so good!

The head of the tyrant King Macbeth!

Regular readers of this blog will know that helping young actors to produce their very best in a very short space of time (ie a week) is our stock in trade. However when sickness comes to call (don’t panic we’re not talking Coronavirus!) everyone has to step up to the mark. And goodness me, the St Bartholomew’s actors did not disappoint!

The King's Crown worn by Duncan, Macbeth and Malcolm
The King’s Crown – the object of desire.

Taking on extra lines to cover, coping with playing opposite a completely different actor to the one you’ve rehearsed with all week, being on standby in case an actor doesn’t appear at the last minute, are all skills and qualities we hugely admire. And this spirit of teamwork, which shines more and more brightly as the week continues, is one of the most special aspects of the Shakespeare Project Week.

The staff and children at St Bart’s also know how to give Richard and me a good send off – look at this Book of Thanks! Another one to treasure!

A book of thanks from the children and staff at St Bartholomew's Academy, Coventry
A book of thanks from the children and staff at St Bartholomew’s Academy, Coventry

Huge thanks then to Mrs Sharma for inviting us back and Mrs Sembi for doing all the liaising with me over the past few months – the actual Project might only be a week but the organisation goes on for months! We hope you enjoyed the week as much as we did and we look forward to seeing photos of your Scottish follow-up work!

Jules addresses the full house at St Bartholomew's Academy, Coventry
A full house waits for Macbeth to begin at St Bartholomew’s Academy, Coventry.

And we are not done yet with Macbeth this term – we are back at Anson Primary in Cricklewood at the end of the month for another award-winning performance (check out the Annies here!). Then on to Ealing and Montpelier Primary School for a Tempest week with Year 4. So here at FTW HQ we are looking forward to ‘tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow…….’ (see what we did there?)

Meanwhile St Bartholomew’s Academy Theatre Company – take another bow!


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