Thanks – doesn’t the very word make you feel good?
Please excuse us giving you a quick blast of our own trumpet but we are a little bit chuffed with the thanks and feedback below from Sarah Rayson, Head of School, St Bartholomew’s Academy, Coventry:
Thank you for those wonderful comments on your blog, and for a truly wonderful week. Definitely the best yet. The way you both empower the children to participate, and achieve is wonderful and a credit to your skills and patience. The children got such a lot from it, and the staff were uplifted by seeing the children shine. A brilliant week. I hope we can book in again for the same time next year.
“I can no other answer make but thanks, and thanks and ever thanks”
Sarah Rayson
Head of School
St Bartholomew’s C of E Academy
We could not ask for nicer feedback complete with a ‘Twelfth Night’ quote!
However, as far as we are concerned, the best bit of this is that there is no mention of Shakespeare (quote aside) – no offence Will, but you are merely the conduit for raising the self-esteem and confidence of the children we work with. The fact that they learn one of your plays (in this case ‘The Dream’) and now know that you are not ‘boring’, is the icing on the cake.
We are off to spread your magic again next week in London and Yorkshire to two new schools for us. Bizarrely another St Bart’s but this time in Sydenham, South East London where we are doing six interactive workshops on ‘The Tempest’ with Years 2-6, and then on to Hill House School near Doncaster for ‘Macbeth’ with Years 3 & 5. So thanks Coventry for giving us a boost as we head into the next half term.
Meanwhile there’s a bit of this coming up in Cornwall, Wiltshire and Hampshire………….
Bard Heads – Shakespeare – Finding The Will – Promotional Video
More details to follow suffice to say we need to keep our wits about us since all six shows in the ‘Bard Heads’ collection are being performed in April and May. What with that and Shakespeare Week coming up before Easter (14-18 March – we’ll be at Anson Primary School, Cricklewood doing ‘Twelfth Night’ with Years 3&4) there seems only one thing left to say right now:
“Thanks Will!”