Shakespeare Week at Anson Primary, Cricklewood culminated in a fun and funky production of Twelfth Night by Years 3 & 4. Funky? How so? Well, at Orsino’s request for a song to cheer him up, Feste (aged 8) performed part of Mark Ronson’s ‘Uptown Funk’ acapella complete with dance moves and attitude. Needless to say she (yes we have no problem with cross-gender casting at FTW) brought the house down! Call me old fashioned but this was a new song to me (and I’m still struggling to make sense of the words) but the children all knew it and loved it, and I must say it does have a catchy rhythm. If you have no idea what I’m talking about and, frankly, who could blame you click on this Mark Ronson Uptown Funk …………….And some people think that Shakespeare is difficult to understand!
Funky Feste aside, our 104 actors did a cracking job of making Twelfth Night a Rom Com to remember. Aided by fabulous hats provided by the even more fabulous Mr Waters (Year 4 teacher extraordinaire) this fourth Anson Production in association with FINDING THE WILL was very special. In the past we have helped Years 3 & 4 to perform ‘The Tempest’, ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ and ‘Macbeth’ (all in a week of course). We’ve also been privileged to be winners of a prestigious ‘Annie Award’ in 2013:
See FINDING THE WILL’s production of ‘The Tempest’ by Years 3&4 win an Annie Award (about 50 minutes in). Also a nominee for Best Comedy Performance (about 34 mins in). Brilliantly done – well done Anson Primary School.