End of the Year – We Made It!

We made it! The end of another academic year – the 17th year for FINDING THE WILL – and the end of year report is in! July School Visits Before ‘breaking up’ for the summer, I managed to squeeze in two more schools in Wiltshire and East Sussex....

Hello Autumn My Old Friend

Hello Autumn my old Friend, I’ve come to talk with you again….. Autumn 2023 Well, here we are at the beginning (actually almost in the middle) of the Autumn Term and I’ve only just realised that we’ve not spoken since the end of the Summer...
Summer is a Coming in!

Summer is a Coming in!

‘Summer is a Coming in, loudly sing cuckoo!” I’m not sure if you’ve heard the cuckoo yet but the summer term is coming in, along with new practitioners for FINDING THE WILL. But before we get in to all of that, have a little listen to...
School’s out! Fun begins!

School’s out! Fun begins!

We made it! School’s out and the summer fun begins! What a year we’ve had and, whilst we can’t relax completely (far from it), we can all exhale a collective sigh of relief because we are here. End of Year School report During the academic year...

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